Carbon Mirror Carbon Mirror Carbon Mirror Carbon Mirror Carbon Mirror Carbon Mirror Carbon Mirror Carbon Mirror

All life on Earth including our own is carbon-based - in an ongoing series of paired drawings made using this primary element, the left hand has been used to make a drawing of the right hand and the right to draw the left. The eye observes, sending a signal to the brain and down through the body into the hand which makes marks on the paper in an attempt to describe what the eye sees - setting up a continual loop between the interior and the exterior

Physical engagement with material reality is an act of extended cognition - of thinking out into the world. The idea of extended cognition centres around the way thinking is something that happens in relationship with material reality - a network of processes that radiate back and forth from the wetware of the brain through the physiology of the sensorial body and into the world of animate and inanimate form in a complex web of reciprocity. The evolution of our hands has facilitated an evolution of our minds. The hand enables the mind to manifest on the three-dimensional plane and has led us to where we are now

  • Carbon Mirror
  • 2017
  • carbon on paper
  • 1.6 m H x 1.3 m W
  • photo credit Ian Jackson
  • Carbon Mirror
  • 2017
  • carbon on paper
  • overall dimensions 76 cm H x 112 cm W
  • photo credit Ian Jackson